We have friends that have been operating a regenerative farming system for years. Their farm is called Gleneden Family Farm [their website is here]. We all went to a Joel Salatin 3 day informational talk in Gatton (Queensland, Australia) a few years ago too. We have 1 of Joel’s books here too.

We have not yet setup moveable chook pens here on our 1.5 acre block, but we plan to soon.  We plan to use portable poultry netting chicken electric fencing when we do.

Once we acquire chooks and they start laying, we’ll consider preserving some of the eggs. We found the below video which explains 5 ways to do this.

PS. We will add more to this blog post soon. But for now, if you want to learn more about regenerative farming systems, there is HEAPS of information about this topic on the internet. Just Google.
This article on the ABC Australia website is also worth a look. It’s well worth browsing through Joel’s own Polyface Farms website too.