I have never grown pumpkins before. A friend recently gave me 3 butternut pumpkins she had grown. They were great! I saved the seeds from one of them. I followed the instructions in these 2 videos:

A few pics I took while saving these seeds are below. In one of the pics you’ll also see some passionfruit seeds I am saving atm too. My parents have a really good passionfruit plant that produces really tasty passionfruits, so I have saved some seeds from it. I’ll write another blog article about this soon.

Butternut Pumpkin seeds

The Butternut seeds I have collected. This photo was taken before I cleaned them.


Butternut Pumpkin seeds and Passionfruit seeds

The Butternut Pumpkin seeds and the Passionfruit seeds I have collected. This was before I cleaned them.


Since taking these photos, I have cleaned and dried the pumpkin and the passionfruit seeds. I’ve put them in paper envelopes because in one of the videos I watched, it said if you put seeds in a plastic bag, they can rot (due to moisture).

I’ll attempt to germinate some of the seeds asap. I might see which method works best. The 2 videos below show 2 different methods:

I’ll update this blog post shortly once I have planted some of the seeds in some plastic containers I have just prepared.

Side note: A friend showed a group of us around his syntropic food growing gardens on his farm the other day. Was great and learned a lot! I’ll write a blog article soon about this too.