When was this website started?
It was started in early 2020 before COVID-19 became known. This website was based on an idea one of us had in 2019.

Where are you based?
At the moment we are all based in Queensland, Australia. We live just outside of a regional small city called Bundaberg. The place that makes the Rum. As more people become involved, locations where contributors are based will grow.

Can we write for your website?
You sure can. Info about this is here. Just email us some samples of your work and we can discuss options via email and/or a Zoom call. Contact us here.

I would like to guest-post on your website. Is this allowed?
You can send us the topic idea and/or the article you would like to post. It must not appear anywhere else on the web. If it is high-quality information we will consider publishing it. We will then provide a ‘follow’ or no-follow’ link with the article back to your website or webpage of your choosing.

I have created a video that I would like to embed into your website. Is this allowed?
Please send us a link to the video that is hosted on either Youtube or Vimeo. We will then review it and let you know what the options are.