Recently a friend told me about this website . The website belongs to a worm farm business based in Gin Gin, Queensland. I will look at buying some of their Earth Worms via their website shop shortly.

On their website is also a PDF that has quite a bit of information on worms and their marvellous role in the ecosystem/soil. You can view it here.

They also sell compost worms. Some info on this page of their website says:


Our Compost Worms consist of a mix of up to 5 species

They are:

1. Tigers – Eisenia Fetida
2. Reds – Eisenia Andrei
3. Blues – Perionyx Excavatus/Spenceralia sp.
4. Gardeners Friend or Cod Worms – Amynthus Sp.
5. European Night Crawlers or Catchall Crawlers – Eisenia Hortensis or Dendrobaena Veneta

We are the only worm farm in Australia that includes Gardeners Friend Worms and Night Crawlers in its compost worm mix. The reason that we use up to 5 species of worms in our compost worms mix is because some species do better in warmer weather, whilst other species do best in colder weather. By combining all of these species your worm farm will work more consistently throughout the different seasons of the year and be overall a more robust worm farm.
