Friends back in 2007 gave me (and other friends and their families) this book for Christmas that year called “Endgame – the problem with Civilisation“. I never could read much of it — just didn’t feel it… the “vibe”. But if I still have it maybe I’ll have another look at it.


Just saw this pop up on YouTube:

Update 19/06/23: I watched this last night:

What can we do? Do we:

  • Collectively hope/ send vibes/ group collective thought that this does not happen?
  • Or hope for the best and plan for the worst?
  • Or just leave it to the future… and “what shall be will be”?
  • Or something else?

Or can we say content like this is just fear-creation? I wish we could.

The threat from China is one of the reasons I left Brisbane in 2008… to come back to regional and rural Qld… instead of moving to Sydney, Melbourne, overseas etc which was more ‘the logical career path’. GFC was another reason.

I even had friends tell me I was “committing career suicide” moving back to regional Qld.

It is not all about career or money for me though. Far from it.

Around that time (2003 – 2005) the business I was working for did marketing and AGM Report work for something called ‘MetalStorm’. Some of you may remember this when it was Publically Listed.

“The Chinese government offered Metal Storm US$100M in 2000 to develop the technology in China. O’Dwyer (the inventor based in Brisbane) refused the offer, and informed the Australian Department of Defence about the offer, leading to a discussion the Department confirmed occurred, but refused to comment on its substance.”

At the same time we were doing tape transfers for ‘dailies’ ( that Steve Erwin and his crew were shooting on locations.

I do remember the day when a mate came to work (who also worked for Channel 10 on Totally Wild and other shows) and told us Steve had passed away.

One day I’d be creating a Mini CD-ROM AGM for MetalStorm and on another day I’d be looking at daily rough footage from ‘a wildlife warrior’ and others who were doing similar nature cinematography (environmentalists).

I also remember working at a Newspaper some years prior. I got home from work at around 10pm, and watched the Twin-towers footage on TV at about 12:30am. Totally shocked … as we all were.

An Editor friend who used to work at CNN in the UK used to tell me about all the HORRIFIC unedited footage she used to have to ‘log’ of the war in Iraq. Just terrible!!!! 🙁 . The things humans do to each other!

Side note: I had no idea this website was back online… till now: . I was commissioned to create this ‘anti-design’ awareness website back in 2010. Was part of lobbying to the Fed Gov.

The University of Qld (via The Global Change Institute) was associated with it and other entities. A group was formed called “Ocean Ark Alliance” who kind-of dissolved some years later… but all the entities are still ‘passive-activistic’ and/or doing many things.

My involvement was only the website:

  • Creating the site
  • Aided with content
  • Did what I was told.

I wasn’t part of the politics…. nor did I have an opinion about global warming or the ‘science’. I still don’t have a clue about global warming.
SO I retreated just a little from city life and eventually found a way back to my hometown.

We all know there are many real and/or perceived challenges ahead on many fronts.

Who knows what the future is going to bring.
Strength in numbers though is part of what I believe. Hope you all have a great day!


Being part of this group and coming back to my hometown has in part, had me reflect on the last 20-something years.
I contemplated joining the military after high school… but the heart condition I was born with wouldn’t allow me to pass the physical. I ended up working in media instead.

In early 2000’s I still remember when this started circulating: ‘The Meatrix’:
I remember too when this first came out: ‘Zeitgeist’:
I also remember when this went viral: ‘Kony 2012’: Kony 2012 Campaign